Monday, April 11, 2011


Every magazine has a barcode that allows the cashier to scan the item at checkout. Add the following barcode to your magazine cover.

Draw a text box above the barcode and add your first and last name.

Magazine Cover Creation

Click on the following link for a magazine cover template. Choose to Download the file. When asked, be sure to SAVE the file (not Open). As always, save to your thumb drive or to your own folder on the Public Drive.

Magazine Cover Template

Change the file name to LAST NAME COVER (i.e. TOMLIN COVER)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog #4.7B and Magazine Sketches Rubric - Criteria B (Plan)

Before you begin working on your project you MUST submit at least three sketches of your magazine cover. The rubric below will be used to assess your work:

Blog #4.7B





No blog submitted

Student’s description of demographic is not clear; two or more elements are missing.

Student has defined demographic but may have left one characteristic out of description (see 5-6)

Student has clearly defined demographic (age, income level, gender, ethnicity)

Magazine Sketches








No sketches submitted

Sketches are incomplete; missing most of the required elements

Sketches include some required elements (article titles may be missing or not clear, cover story not identified); pictures are not clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include most of required elements (article titles may not be clear and/or cover story not identified); pictures are there but not clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include most required elements (article titles may not be clear and/or cover story not identified); pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include all required elements (6 article titles and/or blurbs, cover story identified); pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn; some color/font style is shown but not all

Sketches include all required elements (6 article titles and/or blurbs, cover story identified); all pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn, all font styles and colors stated and/or shown

One or no sketches submitted

Less than three sketches submitted

Three sketches submitted but two sketches are almost identical

Three sketches submitted but some duplication between two sketches

All three sketches submitted are different

Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Extract and Replace the Background

How to Extract Images using Background Eraser Tool and Replace Background

This method of extraction works best if you are working with a SOLID background. If you have a multicolored background, use the method of extraction that you were taught previously.

1. Open pictures in Adobe Illustrator. All pictures that you will be working with should be open on the active desktop.

2. Select the picture that you will be extracting the background from.

3. On the left menu, select the eraser button. Ensure that it is set to “Background Eraser tool”

4. On the top menu, Select the drop down menu beside the Brush size and increase the “Hardness” to 100%.

5. Your mouse will now be shaped like a cross in a circle (it may or may not have the circle but as long as the mouse looks like a cross you are find).

6. You will now use the cross of your mouse to select the color that you want extracted from your picture. Be careful to only select that color.

7. When the background is removed, a checkered background will remain.

To Copy and Paste the Background

1. Choose the picture that you will like to place your extracted picture on.

2. Press Ctrl + A to select the picture (a moving checkered background will form around the picture)

3. Press Ctrl + C to copy the picture

4. Select the picture that you have extracted and press Ctrl + V to paste the background on top of the extracted picture

5. To move the layers and place the extracted picture on top of the background, open the Layer menu (Windows – Layer). Select and drag the extracted picture to Layer 0 and have the background picture as Layer 1.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Create 3D Images and Color Gradients

Create 3D Letters with Rotation and Create a Gradient Color Background

1. Open the following submenus – Swatches, Color, Gradient.

2. Start by typing the word that you would like to manipulate. Choose a font with significant weight like Futura Bold or Impact. Increase the font size to a significant number +100pt

3. Change the color of the text to a grey of light color (you can change the color the text later).

4. To Ungroup the text select the Selection Tool “type” and “Create Outlines”. Choose Object and “Ungroup. Now each character can be manipulated individually.

5. Go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel

· Change the three numbers highlighted and the Extrude Depth.

· Select Preview to see how the effect will look on the letters

6. After you apply 3D effects that you would like your letter to have you can also continue to rotate the letter to whatever angle you like. Just use the Selection Tool (V) to rotate the letter.

To be handed in by the end of class:

Start a new document. Use the technique taught today to write your name in 3D imaging. Set the background as a solid color and add another shape behind your name in gradient color. Save as a JPEG and post to your Blog. Refer to the timeline in the folio for the appropriate title and blog number.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog 4.7A

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the topic that you have been assigned. If you have missed class and have not chosen a topic for your magazine cover please see Ms Tomlin any day after 8th period in Room 311.

1. What topic have you been assigned for this project?
2. List at least 10 subtopics that are related to your topic. For example, if your topic is Women's Clothing, three subtopics would be Shoes, Working Out Outfits, Formal Wear
3. Go to www. Find your magazine topic. List at least four magazines that are based on your topic. List the title of at least 10 articles from any previous issue(s) of those magazine(s).
4. Describe your target demographic (who will be interested in your magazine). Use specifics, think of gender, age, socioeconomic group, location, etc. You will be evaluated on how well your magazine cover appeals to your designated demographic.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Magazine Cover Folio

Magazine Covers Evaluation

Blog 4.1 Evaluation
Answer the following questions based on your evaluation of four different magazine covers. You must choose two magazine covers from Magazine Covers #1 and two from Magazine Covers #2.

1. What is the name of the magazine?
2. What is the magazine about?
3. Describe the design of the title. (Colors were used, placement of title, format, font)
4. What is the dominate image on the cover? Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should have been included on the cover?
5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?
6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those article relate to the topic of the magazine?
7. How many different fonts (style, color and size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?

Magazine Covers #2

Magazine Covers #1

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Growing Up Digital"