Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog 4.7A

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the topic that you have been assigned. If you have missed class and have not chosen a topic for your magazine cover please see Ms Tomlin any day after 8th period in Room 311.

1. What topic have you been assigned for this project?
2. List at least 10 subtopics that are related to your topic. For example, if your topic is Women's Clothing, three subtopics would be Shoes, Working Out Outfits, Formal Wear
3. Go to www. magazine.com. Find your magazine topic. List at least four magazines that are based on your topic. List the title of at least 10 articles from any previous issue(s) of those magazine(s).
4. Describe your target demographic (who will be interested in your magazine). Use specifics, think of gender, age, socioeconomic group, location, etc. You will be evaluated on how well your magazine cover appeals to your designated demographic.

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