Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog #4.7B and Magazine Sketches Rubric - Criteria B (Plan)

Before you begin working on your project you MUST submit at least three sketches of your magazine cover. The rubric below will be used to assess your work:

Blog #4.7B





No blog submitted

Student’s description of demographic is not clear; two or more elements are missing.

Student has defined demographic but may have left one characteristic out of description (see 5-6)

Student has clearly defined demographic (age, income level, gender, ethnicity)

Magazine Sketches








No sketches submitted

Sketches are incomplete; missing most of the required elements

Sketches include some required elements (article titles may be missing or not clear, cover story not identified); pictures are not clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include most of required elements (article titles may not be clear and/or cover story not identified); pictures are there but not clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include most required elements (article titles may not be clear and/or cover story not identified); pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn

Sketches include all required elements (6 article titles and/or blurbs, cover story identified); pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn; some color/font style is shown but not all

Sketches include all required elements (6 article titles and/or blurbs, cover story identified); all pictures clearly labeled and/or drawn, all font styles and colors stated and/or shown

One or no sketches submitted

Less than three sketches submitted

Three sketches submitted but two sketches are almost identical

Three sketches submitted but some duplication between two sketches

All three sketches submitted are different

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